Friday, July 23, 2021

more songs by the river

stardust 55x38cm

the fellow who can play stardust and some kind of pagan thing going on across the river.

he is probably not singing stardust because he doesn't know it. I have asked several times. I imagine it is a little too modern for him seeing how it was written in the 1930's. Maybe she knows it. I haven't asked

song and dance


Monday, July 19, 2021

la summer visit water colors

santa monica in a bikini

venice beach

roof top

a very hot place with an observatory in the distance

surf and hills

waiting for sung #2

venice to the left of life guard station 21

venice to the right of life guard station 21 or waiting for sung #1 or how I spent 8 hours at the beach and no I didn't get all burnt just a little on my feet and ankles and I am already better