Tuesday, November 29, 2011

stories by the sea

embarcation 21x21cm (sold)

sail boat 13x21cm (sold)

katy 21x34cm

ship wreck 68x42cm (sold)

the return to olympia 55x34cm

last kiss 34x21cm

picnic at the end of the world 34x21(sold)

new old ballard 55x34cm

aurel's carpet 55x89cm (sold)

                  for eight years I lived by the water
                with a view of key port to the north
              and brownsville to the west. seven of
               the paintings incorporate these views
            while for the rest i found inspiration
          in such far off places as ballard.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


                    how this bunch of paintings came about-

my studio space where i lived on the sly (it had a sink and i had a thin red futon which i rolled up and sat on while i painted) was slated for demolition or the building was being renovated so i needed a new space or spaces. i set off to look with several other painters and we had the luck of finding an older couple who had a building they wanted us to use and not only were we going to have our own bedrooms but upstairs there was an interior, windowless room that was none the less bright with peeling yellow ochre paint.

in another life there was a time when my son let me read some time life art books to him. he liked the pictures and the dreadful prose put him to sleep after a page or so. we started out with watteau who doesn’t figure in this show, then moved on to picasso who then had a big show at the Seattle Art Museum which we visited several times, not without some behavior that brought the disapprobation of the guards.

the hall 21x21cm (sold)

pom pom 21x21 (sold)

ochre room 21x21cm

yellow room 21x21 (sold)

umber room 13x21cm (sold)

lucia underground 13x21cm

madeline 42x42cm

sheherazade 34x34cm

anne marie 21x21


Thursday, September 1, 2011

lucia underground

lucia is wary of strangers, even ones she has known for years. 13x21cm

Sunday, August 21, 2011

how to attract russian guards at the museum

                                                       umber room 13x21cm     if you lean against the wall in the museum an unseen eye will see you and an unheard voice will tell a beautiful russian to go to this room and tell you to stop it. (sold)

Friday, July 29, 2011

day and night

yellow room
i am pretty sure this is what it looked like in the early twentieth century. they hadn’t invented shoes yet. 21x21cm (sold)

The nineteenth century
If you go back a few years before that they still didn’t have shoes but you couldn’t notice because they didn’t have electric lights. 21x21cm (sold)

Monday, May 2, 2011

neo cubist drawerings



a nap

tom foolering


ursula with phone numbers

baby with a hat


captain dave


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

lucia seven to zero point five

if you paint a picture of your two year old boy you then have to paint a new picture of your seven year old girl or suffer the consequences. so here it is along with all the other paintings she appears in.

pom pom 21X21cm

the hall 21X21cm

forest girl 21X34cm

september first 55X34cm
i borrowed my friend bob’s time machine and went 3000 years into the future. i found battle point to be peopled by polygamous androids.

             pilgrimage to cythera 89X55cm
there is always an out of tune lute player with an uncertain voice. throw him some drachma (actually it’s euros now) and give him a swig of wine and he will be off bothering another group. i don’t recommend the sailboat tours especially if you have toddlers because of the low rails and the lack of life jackets. i never made it to the temple. the path is steep and crowded by thorny goats.

return to olympia 55X34cm
this painting has it all, dogs,  a plastic boat, a crow and a rock star.

a picnic at the end of the world 89X55cm
i read some where that stephen hawking said that if we tried really hard this century we could set in motion processes that will boil away the seas in about a millennium which i know sounds like a long time from now but wealthy babies born amongst us today should be fully transposed into a machine form that will last long enough to view this byproduct of our age from the cool safety of the dark side of the moon. as you can see the people in my painting aren’t really at the very end, they still have huckleberries and bubbles and wine and something to cook (and they don’t seem to be cannibals yet) and the seas are far from boiled away. they are still rising.

lucia 10X10cm

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

six milionis

blue room 21x34cm

this painting is about overcoming the guilt imbued by a catholic upbringing and about really big gold fish.

                ochre room
i dreamt of an old apartment building to move into that came with a windowless studio and picasso was in town. 21X21cm

if she had a phone I’m certain that she would call protective services but no such luck in the 11th century. she must come up with a new story, the less rational the better, every night to keep her head in place. 34X34cm

   saint sophia
 i always pictured this saint as a bookworm in a strange land. 58X62cm

fisherman’s wife.
  i read “the flounder” by gunter grass and I used to live in ballard. 59X56cm